

2024: Member of the Review Committee, The 12th European Conference on Arts & Humanities (ECAH2024), London, July 11-15, 2024.

2023: Member of the Review Committee, The 11th European Conference on Arts & Humanities (ECAH2023), London, July 13-17, 2023.

2022: Member of the Scientific Committee of the 7th Annual International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM2022), Communication Institute of Greece, September 26-29, 2022.

2022: Senior Reviewer at The European Conference on Arts & Humanities (ECAH2022). The International Academic Forum, London, July 21-24, 2022.

Speaker at many national (>20) and international conferences

Selected presentations (full list available upon request):

2024: A. Tzigkou, S. Maipas. Environmental health issues in refugee camps. 10th International Scientific Conference of the Greek Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (IAKE), “SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL ADAPTABILITY: Migration, Integration, Sustainability and Digital Technologies” Heraklion, Crete, May 16-19, 2024. [in Greek]

2023: G. Antasouras, J. Volpe, G. K. Vasios, M. Chrysafi, C. Tryfonos, S. Maipas S., E. Psara, N. Kavantzas, A. Y. Troumbis, C. Giaginis. Plant-based diets as sustainable approaches to promote environmental health and human well-being. 17th Panhellenic Congress of Nutrition & Dietetics, Athens, December 8-10, 2023.

2023: Α. Tiniakos, M. Gialeli, A. Y. Troumbis, G. Antasouras, C. Giaginis, S. Maipas, N. Kavantzas, G. K. Vasios. Sustainable diet and food affordability: could all populations, regardless of income, afford the implementation of a sustainable diet? 17th Panhellenic Congress of Nutrition & Dietetics, Athens, December 8-10, 2023.

2023: A. Tzigkou, S. Maipas. Artificial intelligence as a tool to enhance the role of the active citizen in adapting to the climate crisis. 9th International Scientific Conference of the Greek Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (IAKE), “CITIZENSHIP, EDUCATION, AND POLITICAL PARTICIPATION: Encouraging active citizenship in the era of artificial intelligence” Heraklion, Crete, May 26-28, 2023. [in Greek]

2023: S. Maipas, A.E. Konstantinidou, N. Kavantzas. The footprint of environmental impact on health in museum exhibits. 2nd Conference of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens on the Climate Crisis, Athens, April 10-11, 2023. [in Greek]

2022: S. Maipas, N. Kavantzas. The impact of the climate crisis on the quality of life: The role of health. 1st Conference of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens on the Climate Crisis, Athens, June 15-17, 2022. [in Greek]

2022: S. Maipas, N. Kavantzas. Education for the climate crisis within the school context: Exploring innovative educational interventions. 1st Conference of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens on the Climate Crisis, Athens, June 15-17, 2022. [in Greek]

2022: S. Maipas, N. Kavantzas. The experience of the pandemic in the service of adaptation and mitigation of the climate crisis. 1st Conference of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens on the Climate Crisis, Athens, June 15-17, 2022. [in Greek]

2022: S. Maipas, N. Kavantzas. Could chess be used in gamification projects related to environmental education? International Online Conference “Chess in Education”, International Chess Federation, June, 25-26 June.

2022: S. Maipas, A. Konstantinidou, A. Lazaris, M. Mouliou, E. Papageorgiou, N. Kavantzas. Incorporating Museum Specimens Into the Educational Activities and Training of Environmental Health Students. The European Conference on Arts & Humanities (ECAH2022). The International Academic Forum, London, 21-24 July, 2022.


2022: S. Maipas, N. Kavantzas. Applying math word problems, based on real-life scenarios, into the environmental education in primary schools. 11th World Environmental Education Congress. WEEC Network, Prague, March 14-18, 2022.


2021: S. Maipas. A 15 C’s Pathway of Sustainability in Environmental Health Management & The Crucial Role of Higher Education Institutions. 2nd International Conference on Education (EDU2021), Communication Institute of Greece, August 8-12, 2021.


2019: S. Maipas. The Value of Interdisciplinarity in Education: A Case Study in an Interdisciplinary Environmental Health Master’s Program, 5th International Scientific Conference of the Greek Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Herakleion, April 5-7, 2019. [in Greek]


2014: L. Hens, I. Matiatos, P. Stamatis, C. Kotampasi, S. Maipas, M. Papadopoulou, P. Nicolopoulou-Stamati. Health effects of climate changes: need for mitigating and adaptive measures. International Conference ADAPTtoCLIMATE, Nicosia, Cyprus, March 27-28, 2014.
