h-index: 8, i10-index: 8, >2200 citations (Google Scholar, June 2024) Maipas, S., Kavantzas, N. (2024). Climate crisis: A term used to avert an environmental health medieval era. Environmental Health Insights. doi: 10.1177/11786302231224582 Maipas, S., Chatzoglou, P. (2024). Remote working and firms’ environmental profile: a study on the Greek population. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. doi: 10.1080/09640568.2023.2295804 Maipas, S., Foukas, P. G., Panayiotides, I. G., Vamvakaris, I., Kavantzas, N. (2023). Evidence That Cigarette Smoking Alters Alveolar Type I Cell Nuclear Fractal Dimension. Cureus, 15(12). doi: 10.7759/cureus.50254 Maipas, S., Liossi, S., Konstantinidou, A., Mouliou, M., Lazaris, A.C., Papageorgiou, E., Kavantzas, N. (2023). Incorporating medical museum specimens into the training of environmental health students. Environmental Health Insights, 17. https://doi.org/10.1177/11786302231211085 Maipas, S., Kavantzas, N. (2023). A Case Study on the Significance of the Explicit and Tacit Knowledge in Environmental Health: A Letter to the Editor on the “Pesticide Use Practice and Associated Factors Among Rural Community of Malga District, Sidama Regional State, South Ethiopia”. Environmental Health Insights, 17. doi: 10.1177/1178630223119885 Liossi, S., Tsiambas, E., Maipas, S., Papageorgiou, E., Lazaris, A., Kavantzas, N. (2023). Mathematical modeling for Delta and Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 transmission dynamics in Greece. Infectious Disease Modelling, 8(3), 794-805. Mathiou, V., Tsiambas, E., Maipas, S., Thymara, I., Mastronikoli, S., Peschos, D., Tsamis, I., Lazaris, A.C., Kavantzas, N., & Stathopoulos, P. (2023). Heat Shock Proteins’ Expression Profiles in Odontogenic Ameloblastomas and Cysts. Cancer Diagnosis & Prognosis, 3(6), 635-638. Mathiou, V., Tsiambas, E., Maipas, S., Thymara, I., Peschos, D., Lazaris, A. C., Kavantzas, N. (2023). Impact of CD34-dependent Micro Vessel Density on Periapical Odontogenic Cysts. Cancer Diagnosis & Prognosis, 3(2), 189-193. D. Ntesou, K. Douros, E. Tsiambas, S. Maipas, H. Sarlanis, A.C. Lazaris, N. Kavantzas. Impact of Immune-Inflammatory Microenvironment Alterations on the Bronchial Lumen of Children With Protracted Bacterial Bronchitis. Cureus (2021), 13(12). S. Maipas, A. Konstantinidou, A.C. Lazaris, N. Kavantzas. Environmental Health Education: From Museum Specimens and Math Word Problems to Virtual and Augmented Reality. Environmental Health Insights (2021). doi:10.1177/11786302211066355 S. Maipas, I.G. Panayiotides, I., N. Kavantzas. Remote-Working Carbon-Saving Footprint: Could COVID-19 Pandemic Establish a New Working Model with Positive Environmental Health Implications? Environmental Health Insights (2021), 15. doi: 10.1177/1178630221101354 S. Maipas, I.G. Panayiotides, Tsiodras, S., N. Kavantzas. COVID-19 Pandemic and Environmental Health: Effects and the Immediate Need for a Concise Risk Analysis. Environmental Health Insights (2021), 15. Doi: 10.1177/117863022199635 S. Maipas. A 15 C’s Pathway of Sustainability in Environmental Health Management & The Crucial Role of Higher Education Institutions. Journal of Education, Innovation, and Communication (2020), 2(1):10-25. S. Maipas. Environmental Health Concept Revealed in Paintings of Great Artists. Journal of Arts & Humanities (2019), 8(7):9-15. S. Maipas. Need for establishing National Observatories for the Environmental Impacts of Tourism. Journal of Mediterranean Ecology (2019), 17:15-22 S. Maipas, A. Nonni, E. Politi, H. Sarlanis, N. G. Kavantzas. The Goodness-of-fit of the Fractal Dimension as a Diagnostic Factor in Breast Cancer. Cureus (2018), 10(11): e3630 P. Nicolopoulou-Stamati, S. Maipas, C. Kotampasi, P. Stamatis, L. Hens. Chemical pesticides and human health: The urgent need for a new concept in agriculture. Frontiers in Public Health (2016), doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2016.00148 S. Maipas, P. Nicolopoulou-Stamati. Sun lotion chemicals as endocrine disruptors. Hormones, 14.1 (2015), 32-46